Are you a new parent struggling to get your little one to sleep through the night? Infant and toddler sleep each present their own challenges. 

We offer a range of infant sleep support services that are tailored to meet your family’s unique needs. I will work with you to create a personalized sleep plan that will help your baby get the rest they need to grow and thrive.

We believe that healthy sleep habits start from birth, and our supportive, compassionate approach to sleep training ensures that you and your baby feel safe and secure throughout the process. By working with me, you'll have access to comprehensive sleep resources, including educational materials and access to ongoing support from Sammie!

I know that every family is different, which is why we offer a variety of packages designed to fit your budget and lifestyle. Whether you're looking for a comprehensive sleep consultation or just need a quick check-in, your family’s sleep needs are covered. 

Welcome to The Baby Sleep Link


1:1 Sleep Support

This package is great for families who are ready to make changes to improve their little one’s sleep and want a little bit of handholding to get there! 

This support guides you through the entire process of having a plan, implementing the plan and ongoing troubleshooting for the duration of sleep support. 

This package includes:

  • Comprehensive sleep intake questionnaire

  • Onboarding Sleep Plan Prep Guide

  • Personalized sleep plan

  • Email exchange to go over any questions prior to starting plan

  • Two (2) weeks of UNLIMITED text/voice support via Rested App

  • Daily sleep log analysis

  • One (1) troubleshooting email exchange after sleep plan support has ended.

Investment starting at $300.00 | Payment plans available

Schedules & Transitions 

Have you spent a ton of time stressing over your little one's schedule or are dreading an upcoming nap transition? I've created a package specifically geared towards trying to identify potential schedule issues (which may or may not include a nap transition). If your child has solid independent sleep skills but you just feel like you need a second set of eyes to try and tackle issues such as: early morning wakings, split nights, short naps, or you feel you just need a little extra support to get through the next nap transition - this is the package for you!  

This service includes:

  • Comprehensive sleep intake questionnaire

  • Review of current timing

  • Personalized schedule recommendations*

  • Email exchange to go over any questions regarding recommendations

  • Ten (10) days of schedule support via Rested App

*This package does not include a full sleep plan. If you are needing support with establishing independent sleep habits - 1:1 would be a better fit!

Support Starting at $199.00

Personalized Sleep Plan

Are you not sure where to start, but you are confident you can implement changes without the ongoing support of a sleep consultant? 

This packages includes:

  • Comprehensive sleep intake questionnaire

  • Sleep Plan Prep Guide

  • Personalized sleep plan

  • Two (2) troubleshooting email exchanges to be used within 30 days of receiving sleep plan. 

Starting at $150.00

  • Our toddler has always been a dream sleeper, that is up until he was 2.5. Suddenly he was waking during the night for hours on end and screaming through tantrums at bedtime every night. We were exhausted and felt like we had tried everything. Sammie helped us pinpoint what was causing all of his sleep disruptions and how to help him feel safe at night again. He’s back to being our dream sleeper and is a much happier toddler during the day! Her plan has even helped him transition to his big kid bed. Bedtime is enjoyable for everyone again. Thank you Sammie for caring so much about our little guy and our family.

    Amanda H.

  • Sammie with The Baby Sleep Link has helped us make huge strides with our baby’s sleep. We provided her with our daily schedule and routine and she helped us identify the right wake windows for our little guy and provided us with a sleep plan. She also helped provide insight on the importance of a nightly sleep routine. Using the tools provided to us by Sammie we have seen our little guy become an independent sleeper and have gained so much knowledge. Thank you Sammie for all your help! If you have a little one struggling with sleep reach out to her today!

    Kelsey B.

  • Sammie's guidance was transformative in getting our baby to sleep through the night. I thought I was knowledgable about baby sleep, but at 8 months my kiddo was still not sleeping well. Sammie helped us make adjustments to our routine and supported us through sleep training, and we were all sleeping through the night by day 3!

    Rachel S.

  • Sammie is a fellow Sleep Consultant who had reached out to me to offer support from another perspective when I was struggling with my youngest baby's sleep. Even with all the information I have, sometimes it can be really difficult to view things objectively when its your own baby! Sammie has been so friendly, easy to talk to, and constantly reassuring of each step of sleep training my baby. She has offered such great support when I've really needed it the most and I am so grateful for her!

    Chelsea N.

  • I can't thank or recommend Sammie enough! I reached out to her for a little support with my twins schedule. I had a good knowledge of baby sleep, and the twins had a good sleep foundation, but it was such a lonely feeling being the main person in charge of their sleep. Sammie's support, guidance, and reassurance was just what I needed. Since working together, the twins are back on track with longer naps, and improved night sleep. Highly recommend The Baby Sleep Link!

    Lauren S.

  • With endless amounts of information on children's sleep out there, it can feel hopeless. I was referred to Sammie, where I easily set up an appointment online and spoke to her the next day! She is so validating, kind, knowledgeable and trustworthy. She gave me a ton of helpful tips for getting my child to sleep without the tantrums. I have more confidence as well as my husband in going through the night time and nap time routine. I will be reaching back out to Sammie during the transition to a big kid bed when the time comes. Thank you Sammie!

    Emily M.

  • Sammie helped us recover from the dreaded 4-month regression. It was amazing to have another person think through all the decisions you have to make as you try to help your little one figure out this sleep thing 😉 She listened to our concerns and guided us along the way. After 2 weeks, we now have a ton of tools and insight to help us through all the stages! Don't take another course or binge someone's reels in an attempt to do it on your own...just hire Sammie!

    Lindsay P.

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